Energy drinks are known to us all – we see them every day in the hands of the young, college aged, professionals and on. Each of these are part of a huge market, and so many are harming those trusting them!
An “Energy Drink” is broadly defined as a beverage that contains caffeine and other presumed energy-enhancing ingredients. They first appeared in Europe and Asia in the 1960's, but made their way to the US market in 1997 when Red Bull was introduced, 10 years after being launched in Austria.
It's now regarded as the fastest growing segment of the beverage industry, reaching over $4.8 Billion in sales in the US alone as of 2008 (last data available). Red Bull maintains over 42% of the market, with Monster, Rockstar, Full Throttle and Amp splitting the majority of the remainder.
Each of these drinks continues to come under scrutiny, typically for the many side-effects possible. Most of these are loaded with caffeine, sugar, and other, synthetic, chemicals. Many health-conscious consumers continue to ignore the calories they are injesting through consumption of energy drinks, mostly in the 'empty' calories of sugars.
Many consumers are looking for alternatives, and into this market ViSi plunges head-first!
ViSi Wellness, an International company marketing in the Energy, Wellness and Weight Loss industries a series of products based around their Proprietary Scandinavian Berry Blend. This blend, based on the Arctic Cloudberry and Lingonberry, brings the well-known healthy benefits of these, and other, berries into a delicious mix.
ViSi Wellness and Energy are individual servings in a powdered 'stick' format, easily carried by the consumer and mixed at their convenience with water.
Combining their Berry Blend with Adenosine Triphosphate, Guarana, Yerba Mate, Branch-Chain Aminos and CoQ10, ViSi Energy gives a more natural boost with greater sustained energy and no 'crash' from blood-sugar depletion, while encouraging mental clarity and adding antioxident protection.
Finally, consumers have a choice for using Energy Drinks, to have a Healthy alternative that Really works – ViSi Energy!
If you're looking for an Energy Drink that is actually Healthy for you, check out ViSi Energy and try it today! Become our next successful testimonial!
Jon Patrick
LifeStyle Consultant, Engineer, Husband, Father, step-father, author
Helping Frustrated Professionals build Substantial Incomes from Home!
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