Worlds FINEST MLM Business Planner System -Award-Winning, Celeb

  • DIRECT from the OWNER, Designer, Author... who will PERSONALLY HELP YOU !


    Honest, it is the Best MLM/Direct Sales Business Planner in the World (Network Marketing, Multi-Level – Party-Plan)it is available from local author/creator !   

     ( 1st time ever online ! )


    - this planner is an “Award-Winner” (MLMIA Award)

    - this planner MAKES YOU MONEY… it doesn’t cost you anything !

    - this planner has 2 Decades of Historical PROOF that it truly WORKS !

    - Qualified to be sold on the order forms of 5 $12M/month MLM Operations !

    - www dot DavidKlaybor dot webs dot com for more info and BIO

    - No Finer Planner Tool in the world !  this one is the best of the best…

    - Celebrity-Endorsed ! – top Leaders give this Planner High-Marks as the best they have ever seen or used !



    Once you investigate what this TOOL really IS, you will wonder how you ever worked your business without it…


    Online/Computer-based Business-Building Systems are great… but DO NOT under-estimate the cash-flow producing power of a MANUAL System as well

    - They are BOTH extremely useful to growing your organization. This “old school” technology produced Trillions in Sales over the decades before the WEB was used !


    If you allow Captain Dave’s MLM PowerLine Business Planner System into your life… and if YOU are TEACHABLE… he can help you: pay off your Debts – earn a f/t 6-figure income – win Awards/Bonuses – get your Success Story Featured in the Company Magazine/ezine – and retire EARLY (maybe within 3-6yrs) !  So, why not investigate DK’s unique educational materials to see if it’s everything they say it is !



    Captain Dave Designed-Created and sold his 1st planner in 1990… so this is his 21th year anniversary “Special Sale”, designed especially to benefit YOU !


    - it includes the Complete: “Award Winning”, “Celebrity Endorsed”, Cash-Flow Producing, Network Marketing Master Series III Business Planner System


    ( Doesn’t it give you CONFIDENCE to know that the creator of this planner:  has personally built 6 HUGE sales groups over the last 23 years using the TECHNOLOGIES contained within this Brilliant Sales TOOL… and that DK is blessed to also have his name on the Cover of 7 books – tons of Articles, Tapes and Seminars, all due to the CASH-FLOW Producing Power of his “Proven Systems”! This planner has been on the order-form’s of many huge MLM operations like: Quorum, Rexall, Enrich, FreeLife, Arbonne, and tons of others…  - read DK’s amazing BIO at a beta-test site:  (email us for info)


    -  Dave is truly a Proven, Veteran, Expert Business Builder: who’s income-producing Tools can help you grow your business and reach your NWMing goals…


    Look at what you receive !


    1. PowerLine Master Series III Planner with beautiful over sized binder...….    $ 200

          ( zippered, handled, leatherette case with “guts”… about 6 lbs of self-help info)

    1.  Powerful Six Cassette Advanced Training Audio Series...………..….   $ 100

    2. Convenient getting started  90 min. single cassette tape.........…….…     $   10

    3. A bonus white tape explaining the planner to others in your group..…    $   10

    4. *Attention-getting, money-making, beautiful gold "Attitude" lapel Pin:  $   20

         (sorry: included only when available - in stock – and the stock is getting low)

    1. 1-2 hours of PERSONAL Training with DK/you/your group (at $150/hr) =  ..   $ 300

    2. On-going access to over 20 powerful business building articles written by  Captain Dave… these secret tips, as well as all the other tools included

    herein, should be worth THOUSANDS a month to you and your team !!!


    Total Real Value of this Package is an Amazing…      $ 625.00 !


    Your temporary investment in your business is only  $199.97 *

                    ( * plus s / h … and maybe 9% CA state tax for local residents/sorry ;-)


    SUPER SAVER DEAL of a lifetime:  if you have your own 3-ring binder… you could invest only $99.97 + s/h if you only want the PowerLine System Planner “gut’s”, and 1 training tape )



                 =============     virtual  $0 cost to acquire    =============


    NOTE:  the planner really costs you NOTHING when you think about it…   You know perfectly well that this Powerful Tool actually MAKES YOU lots of money long-term… so, like all tools, they do not cost you a dime. It’s more like a temporary investment.


                ==========  DETAILS ON PLANNER =============


    In case you need to know more about each section (call or email DK personally), but here’s some brief info on the tab sections:


    The planner weighs just under 7 pounds.  (a few clients claim the planner helped them “lose weight”  ;-)

    -          the guts are encased in a large professional, zippered handled beautiful binder…

    -          lots of extra room inside for you companies pitch book materials in 8 ½ x 11 format

    -          about 24 POWERFUL money-making TAB Sections

    - 2 different Goal Sheets in 1st tab area... then

    - To-do Sheets... there is a check list on the top of each sheet that explains something of importance for you to do in order to maximize your potential for earning a living doing this particular business function...

    -  Daily Schedules Sheets: 2 full useful sides to schedule your daily activities as well as many other business building functions in this tab area (NOT time dated so that you can use more for less $)

    - Calendar section – note: DK decided 11yrs ago to let his clients get this very affordable section from their local office supply store… so they can get whatever unique style they enjoy best (i.e. monthly/weekly/daily)

    -  HOT CALL section to use for your most important, most valuable prospects... including: check list of things to do in order to sponsor this prospect... trail-closes, closing lines, answers to objections and great questions to ask your prospect... use one sheet to manage 12 different clients...

    - general PROSPECT - SUSPECT tab (used just like hot call tab except this is for dumping all your potential clients... use this one sheet to manage 10 different clients...

    - VIP section (Very Important Prospect/project) tab section to use for your big clients (i.e. you want to get your nutritional products into a larger health club chain, etc...) you will need 2 sides on one sheet to manage this one prospect...

    - A-Z tab section for your general purpose address book listings (all our prospects !)

    - REFFERAL CALL SHEETs can handle 5-10 referral from one client... powerful check list on top and useful section to build your business and follow-up on referrals...

    -OPPORTUNITYPRESO TAB... this is where you handle all the people you invite to a hotel - home business briefing... includes a check-list... you can list up to 8 per side -16 per page if needed   - including lots of training information on how to do this task...

    - RETAIL TAB... this is where you list all your retail sales, powerful section to follow-up on sales made and converting these customers into distributors ! (6 listings per side)  including lots of data on how to perform this mission...

    - LONG DISTANCE SPONSORING TAB: this is where you keep track of all the packages you mail out to prospects... 5 listings per side... powerful section with tons of info on how to do this important task...

    - CONFENECE CALL TAB... this is where you list all the people you invite to a conference call about your opportunity...

    - then we have the 1st on 3 COLD MARKET sections

    a- AD CALL TAB... this collects all in inbound data from ads you place, trade shows / conventions you get a booth at, events you attend where you are meeting strangers who might be interested in your business oppty... lots of training data on this section... 8 listings per side

    b- INTERVIEW LOG TAB Sheet:  once they contact you, you now have to meet with some of them, especially if you placed an ad in the local newspaper... this is where you handle these prospects... 6 listings per side  powerful OBJECTIONS training tab

    c- INTERVIEW QUESTIONAIRE TAB: a very powerful sheet that every distr. need to use to be successful... tons and tons of data on how to convert prospects into cash !

    - 3-WAY CALLING TAB... a most powerful section used when you receive or make a 3-way call... powerful information on how to do this task.... useful check list and amazing follow-up potential when using this section...

    - DOWNLINE TAB to handling all your communications between you and your group... super section and as usual, it offers a useful check-list

    - LEADERS IN THE STATE OF tab:  this is where you keep track of all the fellow company leaders you can tap into around the world - country... when - where - who - how there events are taking place... send your long-distance prospect to a meeting or event using this section...

    - ISSUES NEWS AND EVENTS Tab: this is where you keep track of all your company events, company newsletter or magazine etc... very useful to build your business...

    - TRAVEL ITINERARY SECTION:  super cool section used when you travel on company business... you have never seen any tab as useful as this...

    - TAX SECTION tab section to take care of income and expenses... get all the tax benefits you can using this section... this could make you thousands alone ! (including car expense log)

    -          there is also a section on keeping track of your FAXes and Emails !


    for more info or questions… Email Captain Dave directly here on eBay


    MUCH MORE INFORMATION on the Planner (as well as DK’s BIO), on a new Beta-test Site:  (email us for more info and questions) – search the web for us – or why not just email me and we’ll talk on the phone some afternoon – if you provide your phone number _________   pls10 at hotmail dot com





1 comment
  • Captain Dave
    Captain Dave this product is what you have been missing in your mlm world - ... pls10 at hotmail dot com ... to schedule a call directly with Captain Dave !
    March 25, 2013