Amway India Aims To Bulk Up Business

  • A company official for Amway India, a home products direct marketing company says Amway intends on doing business worth Rs 2,000 crore by 2012, bulking up its product base considerably.

    "After commencing commercial operations and business with Rs 91 lakh in 1998, Amway has done business worth Rs 1,400 crore last year in India. We now hope to take this to Rs 1,700 crore this year," company vice-president Diptarag Bhattacharjee told reporters.

    A subsidiary of Amway America, Amway India has invested roughly Rs 151 crore in India, of which Rs 26 crore have generated as foreign direct investment.

    According to Bhattacharjee, nearly all the 115 Amway products are produced in India through third-party contract manufacturers utilizing production facilities that conform to international standards. "Despite economic recession in 2009, we have grown from Rs 1,128 crore to Rs 1,407 crore in 2009 and registered 25 per cent growth in turnover." he said.

    Last year, Amway generated business worth Rs 88 crore in Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura.